Epic post of hand lettering

After having my eyes opened to the wonders of hand lettering in design, I have been unable to escape it.  It’s everywhere now; from adverts on the tube to the back of a PG Tips packet:


I really like the curly-wurly arrow, it’s a lovely touch, but look at the way the T, A and S sit together in “taste”….



Nice!  And the fact that it’s all done in pencil-even better!  The F and R of “free” may be a bit close together though….

It reminds me of some rough lettering I did for myself a few months back.  I traced most of it in Illustrator to make it clearer (and to hide the face that I am currently without a scanner):






Mmmm….grainy!  I do like this style of lettering; I have whole sketch books full of the stuff-it’s strangely hypnotic to write the same word over and over again, changing something small everytime.  The word “Lovely” appears A LOT in my books.  It’s a damn good word!  This style always ends up just a big version of my normal handwriting though (you have to do this stuff big…and with a huge pen).  I think I’m better at block lettering:


Type....get it? Ha!

I did this a while ago and cannot stop fiddling with it!  I’m always rearranging  the words and resizing them *sigh*  I think it’s fun though. Scribbles are good.  As is mixing lower and upper case :) it’s not for everyone but I’m throwing it out there.

I’m going to have to keep a decent record of all the handlettering (good and bad) I find.  And with that I’m off to find the cable that connects my phone to my computer after I lost it it ran away…