
That’s right, I’ve gone behind WordPress’s back and created an account over at Tumblr. Most of my updates will be there now, though I may still post to this blog from time to time with bigger updates.

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Recent doodlings

Hello again!

I’ve been doing lots of little things recently so I thought I post a few for your amusement.

I’ve been re-reading the first book in Jeff Lindsay’s Dexter series recently. One of my favourite parts is when Dexter finds the barbie in the fridge so I immediately leapt on to the computer to produce this…

Another project I’ve got on the go at the moment is a biscuit-related print for a friend’s christmas present (hopefully this post won’t spoil the surprise…!) I won’t unveil the entire thing until after christmas, but here’s a sneaky peek at some of the biccies:

There’s also a very sparkly, girly illustration in the works for another friend. Stayed tuned!

Snow is falling…

Ahh december; a month I dread. Christmas and all that jazz wouldn’t be so bad except for the constant pressure TO BUY PRESENTS NOW!! I hate the crowding and the panic. And now to top it all off there’s about a foot of snow to contend with as well! Huzzah for December. So, to sum up my feelings for this wonderful time of year I did a quick illustration which can also be used as an iphone wallpaper. Enjoy!

Something non-owly will be coming soon. Promise!