Afternoon Tea

Sunday afternoon doodle! I’ve included a close up to show the different style of shading I’ve used – decided to go a bit grainy today :) This was going to be part of a bigger print called “I bloody love tea” but I was not in the mood to deal with typography…maybe another day!


I’ve added a new page to my blog called “Featured In”. Here I will list all the articles, collaborative projects, etc I’ve been involved in. It’s not a very long list at the moment but fingers crossed it will grow over time!

Oh Gosh!

Here’s a sneaky peek of my contribution to the OhGosh charity project ( ) Exciting times! I can’t wait to see the whole colouring book.

Burst Magazine

Here is my feature in the brand new Burst Magazine character issue! I’m so excited because I’m alongside some really talented folks. It’s also the first time I’ve been featured in a magazine so…yay!

Make sure you download the whole thing because it is a bumper edition of eye candy!