Buy my stuff!

I’m very excited to say that I now have an online shop…

How cool is that? You can buy my work as prints, tote bags, iphone cases… pretty much everything, so come on down!

A website at last!

I am extremely pleased to announce that I now have my very own website!

It contains a full portfolio, packed with lots of never before seen work

The next big thing…

I have some very exciting news to share today about my next project; I will be working with Ionising Software (whose branding I am also responsible for) to create the artwork/graphics for their first commercially released computer game: Isomer!

“Isomer is a realtime strategy game with world exploration and survival elements. A lot of visual inspiration was taken from the classic XCOM turn based strategy games of old. Isomer has huge procedurally generated worlds thick with life (some friendly but mostly not), catacombs and seas that are unique each time and change constantly when played.”

Read more about it all here:

It’s a different style of working for me as it’s all pixel art and gritty textures (as you can see from the title) but I love a challenge and I’m very excited :)

At the moment the game is being created using stand-in graphics; but I will post updates when everything’s underway.