New stuff

I’ve completed a couple of personal pieces recently which are now up on my Society6 shop :)

Seize the day_Julia Broughton Smell the Roses_Julia Broughton

Boring Socks

BORING SOCKS_Julia Broughton

I’ve made a new print for my shop based on one of my life’s most important mantras ;) Click the image to go to my shop!

*NEW* Website!

Hooray! At last I’ve managed to give my website a complete overhaul to include lettering alongside my illustration work. I’m so much happier with the look and feel of my site now :)



Click the image to go and take a gander!

Fresh n Fruity!

Recently I’ve been so caught up with hand lettering (my Instagram is proof of this) that I feel I’ve neglected my illustration and I wanted to put a stop to it… by mixing them both together. I couldn’t stop lettering all together! Give me a break! So anyway, to add a splash of colour to this dismal winter we’ve all been having in the northern hemisphere things got a little bit fruity!

OrangesLemonsPrint_JuliaBroughtonLemonLimePrint_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPrint_JuliaBroughton LemonLimePatternPrint_JuliaBroughton


All are available as prints from my online store (just click the images). They’re also available as a variety of lovely gifts…

LemonLimePatternClock_JuliaBroughton LemonLimePatternTote_JuliaBroughton LemonLimeTote_JuliaBroughton OrangesLemonsClock_JuliaBroughton OrangesLemonsPillow_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPhoneCase_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPillow_JuliaBroughton


Just click the images! :)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! To celebrate I’ve put a new set of chalky hand-lettered products in my shop to give you some motivation for 2014 :)

(click the image to see my shop)


Day of the Dead

Recently I’ve had a major hand lettering explosion – I’m slightly addicted (as you can see from my instagram – blog post coming soon) so I decided to mix it in with some illustration and create a little something for Dia de Muertos as I *love* the imagery associated with it :)


I thought the skulls would make an awesome pattern so I decided to throw that in too…

Muertos Pattern_blog_JuliaBroughton

Both are available as prints, etc from my online shop (click the images). I am SUPER pleased with how these turned out. Creating stuff like this makes me so excited and happy!

You may also notice I’ve added a signature to these pieces. After lots and LOTS of experiments I’ve finally settled on a nice looking signature to put on my prints and illustrations (a standard copyright line is far too dry). Here’s a close-up; it is, of course, hand lettered :)


Fun times! I love what I do for a living sometimes (most times) :D

If you like it…

A quick bit of lunchtime typography. This has been rattling around in my brain for a while :)Image

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows…

A lovely new print based on the song by Lesley Gore. I fancied playing around with some type and I watched the episode of the Simpsons where this song features recently so the lyrics have been going around my head :P

You can buy the print here:–Rainbows-NdQ_Print

Perfect Christmas present!

Time for tea

A quick lunchtime doodle to celebrate the fact that I just bought the font Buttermilk :) Tea time!

Lovely Lovely

Let me take a moment to blow the dust off…

There!  Long time no see WordPress; a new job and life in general get in the way sometimes! Anyhooo, on with the show.

I had a random urge to play around with the word “lovely” this afternoon. Here is the result:

I have a thing for white outlines with shadow :-)  The pattern was free from the depths of the interweb but I knocked the argyle up in illustrator. Altogether it took less than an hour.

Stay tuned folks! I’ve got lots of personal projects in the works…..too many really considering I’m fully employed.  Ahwell, who needs sleep, eh?