Project: Isomer

So I’ve been very quiet recently and the reason for that is…


You may or may not remember this post from last October announcing the fact that I’m working with Ionising Software to create the artwork/graphics for their first commercially released computer game: Isomer. Well, 9 months later and we are *this* close to releasing the alpha version of the game!

To recap:

Isomer is an isometric realtime strategy with sandbox gameplay inspired by classic XCOM and dwarf fortress style games. It’s open ended, designed to be played in a variety of ways with world exploration, survival, crafting and strategy all blended together in a retro format.

You control alien forces hell-bent on conquering enemy worlds for their resources. How long can you survive? What will you build and discover?

New Items for Sale!

Some new items available in my shop! Why not take advantage of the *FREE SHIPPING* offer going on at the moment? :)


Free Shipping!

There is currently free shipping from my store!

Offer expires on Dec 9th so hurry! You can buy things like this…

Fairy print  pusscat printOwl tote

(I have the Owl tote bag – it’s awesome)


There’s $5 off everything in my store until 11th November!

Christmas Goodies WIP

A little work in progress snippet from today. Still quite a way to go but I’m pleased so far! (Hint: it’s for christmas)


I’ve added a new page to my blog called “Featured In”. Here I will list all the articles, collaborative projects, etc I’ve been involved in. It’s not a very long list at the moment but fingers crossed it will grow over time!


That’s right, I’ve gone behind WordPress’s back and created an account over at Tumblr. Most of my updates will be there now, though I may still post to this blog from time to time with bigger updates.

Find my Tumblr here


Squiddles Exhibition

Unfortunately I can’t get to Manchester, but if you’re in the area on Saturday 18th September, please pop along to this exhibition being held in memory of Emma Wilkinson, who passed away recently. Some brilliant work on show for a really good cause.

The Quick Brown Fox…

I was visiting the lovely Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green the other day when I happened across some learning apparatus from the early 1900’s:



It’s beautiful!  I love the way all the letters are slightly different.  It made my day.

In my next post I hope to be putting some of my own scribbles up…tune in next time!

Alphabetti Spaghetti and psychos…

I was listening to the radio last night and they had a rather surprising topic for a phone in: What font is Alphabetti Spaghetti?  I thought this was brilliant!  Typography for the masses!  Many people had called to say that it was Arial Bold, which I suspected wasn’t right.  My suspicions were confirmed when a graphic designer called in to reveal that the font was actually good ol’ Helvetica.

A totally useless piece of information, really, but I love it :)

On another topic, I watched a new programme on the BBC the other night called Psychoville.  The whole thing was creeptacular (I’m not sure if it was in a good way or not…) but the weird notes everyone received were lovely!  I can’t find a picture of the letter, but it had a beautifully hand written message.  I wonder who the artist was?  It looked a bit to me like Alison Carmichael, but I can’t be sure.  Tell me if you know!