
I was just shown this rather lovely tin which holds a Tiger Beer keyring and has come all the way from Kuala Lumpur:

Tiger beer 002

Ooooo point-perspective… I’ve loved it ever since my Year 10 graphics lessons and often find myself doodling in it (I’ll upload some of that in good time).  Lovely!

Tiger beer 004

Love that ‘g’; its ear is crazy.

Type something…quick!!

Welcome to my new blog, The Quick Fox; named, of course, after “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”.  Too cliche?  Or just cliche enough?  Hmm….

A lot of other people had this idea though, so after typing in about 1001 different variations the word “quick” now looks odd to me.  I hate it when that happens.  You write something over and over until the word loses all meaning and you begin to worry that you’re not so smart after all and actually have the spelling aptitude of a four year old.  Fret not, it happens to us all…




See?  No?  Oh, just me then…