Christmas has come early!

I was looking around some old files recently when I came across the design for my personal Christmas cards from 2011. I still really like this illustration so I decided to add it to my shop as a print, etc. I know it’s only September but it’s nice to have it there ready and waiting!

Xmas_PrintXmas_iphone Xmas_Pillow

Sock it to me

So it looks like I didn’t quite make it with my entries for the Sock it to Me competition. Sad. But instead of being bitter, I’m posting my ideas here for you all to eyeball :) My particular favourite is the jammie dodgers. What do you think?

Christmas Time…

Here it is! The Christmas card I designed to send to friends and family this year. I decided to go with a foody theme as that’s one of the things I most look forward to (greedy person that I am)

Christmas Goodies WIP

A little work in progress snippet from today. Still quite a way to go but I’m pleased so far! (Hint: it’s for christmas)

Recent doodlings

Hello again!

I’ve been doing lots of little things recently so I thought I post a few for your amusement.

I’ve been re-reading the first book in Jeff Lindsay’s Dexter series recently. One of my favourite parts is when Dexter finds the barbie in the fridge so I immediately leapt on to the computer to produce this…

Another project I’ve got on the go at the moment is a biscuit-related print for a friend’s christmas present (hopefully this post won’t spoil the surprise…!) I won’t unveil the entire thing until after christmas, but here’s a sneaky peek at some of the biccies:

There’s also a very sparkly, girly illustration in the works for another friend. Stayed tuned!