
Amazingly, I haven’t written a blog post about this yet. Last year (or possibly before that), I saw on the Zeixs website that they were accepting submissions for their Illustration book based on character design. Back then I was still new to the whole illustration thing but I decided to give it a go with only a few characters under my belt. I heard nothing back so I forgot all about it. Then a couple of months back a friend, who also submitted work, was googling her name to make sure her website came up with it, when she came across a strange german link. Upon clicking it she discovered that we both had been published in the book!!

Zeixs book


I didn’t quite believe it but I rushed on to Amazon and bought a copy. Lo and behold, there I was. Unfortunately some time had passed so the web link I provided was no longer in use, but hey who cares… I’m in a book! :)

Here’s a really bad photo of my pages…



Here’s the link if you want to buy it for yourself: