New stuff

I’ve completedĀ a couple of personal pieces recently which are now up on my Society6 shop :)

Seize the day_Julia Broughton Smell the Roses_Julia Broughton

Boring Socks

BORING SOCKS_Julia Broughton

I’ve made a new print for my shop based on one of my life’s most important mantras ;) Click the image to go to my shop!

*NEW* Website!

Hooray! At last I’ve managed to give my website a complete overhaul to include lettering alongside my illustration work. I’m so much happier with the look and feel of my site now :)



Click the image to go and take a gander!

Fresh n Fruity!

Recently I’ve been so caught up with hand lettering (my Instagram is proof of this) that I feel I’ve neglected my illustration and I wanted to put a stop to it… by mixing them both together. I couldn’t stop lettering all together! Give me a break! So anyway, to add a splash of colour to this dismal winter we’ve all been having in the northern hemisphere things got a little bit fruity!

OrangesLemonsPrint_JuliaBroughtonLemonLimePrint_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPrint_JuliaBroughton LemonLimePatternPrint_JuliaBroughton


All are available as prints from my online store (just click the images). They’re also available as a variety of lovely gifts…

LemonLimePatternClock_JuliaBroughton LemonLimePatternTote_JuliaBroughton LemonLimeTote_JuliaBroughton OrangesLemonsClock_JuliaBroughton OrangesLemonsPillow_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPhoneCase_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPillow_JuliaBroughton


Just click the images! :)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! To celebrate I’ve put a new set of chalky hand-lettered products in my shop to give you some motivation for 2014 :)

(click the image to see my shop)


Christmas has come early!

I was looking around some old files recently when I came across the design for my personal Christmas cards from 2011. I still really like this illustration so I decided to add it to my shop as a print, etc. I know it’s only September but it’s nice to have it there ready and waiting!

Xmas_PrintXmas_iphone Xmas_Pillow


Amazingly, I haven’t written a blog post about this yet. Last year (or possibly before that), I saw on the Zeixs website that they were accepting submissions for their Illustration book based on character design. Back then I was still new to the whole illustration thing but I decided to give it a go with only a few characters under my belt. I heard nothing back so I forgot all about it. Then a couple of months back a friend, who also submitted work, was googling her name to make sure her website came up with it, when she came across a strange german link. Upon clicking it she discovered that we both had been published in the book!!

Zeixs book


I didn’t quite believe it but I rushed on to Amazon and bought a copy. Lo and behold, there I was. Unfortunately some time had passed so the web link I provided was no longer in use, but hey who cares… I’m in a book! :)

Here’s a really bad photo of my pages…



Here’s the link if you want to buy it for yourself:

The Poopdeck Project

I was recently lucky enough to be involved in theĀ Poopdeck Project; an exhibition curated byĀ Ammo magazine. The project involved the re imaginingĀ of a deck of cards with a nautical theme. Instead of clubs, spades, etc, there were Mythical Sea creatures, Pirates, Cursed Pirates and Royal Navy Officers.

I was asked to create the Ace for the Royal Navy Officers, which happened to be a lucky cat. I was very pleased with this choice! I was also very pleased with how my illustration turned out :)


IMG_0144 IMG_0150 IMG_0181 IMG_0182

These photos are from the opening night, which was absolutely packed! The Coningsby Gallery is a lovely space but I could barely move! So I just loitered around my own piece ;)

The packs of cards sold out on the night but you can now buy them from Ammoā€™s shopĀ hereĀ for Ā£5 – an absolute steal for so many wonderful illustrations.

It was a great exhibition so thanks to Ammo magazine and to all the other illustrators involved!

Shopping for Monsters!

I’ve always loved this monster I created a while back so I decided to add him to my shop. What do you think? I particularly like the iphone case :D

Monster_printĀ Monster_bag Monster_phone Monster_pillow


Nandos Competition

I recently entered the Nandos menu design competition so I though I’d share my entry now that it has closed…


Sad I didn’t win, but I suppose now I’ve got a nice illustration for my portfolio! :)