New stuff

I’ve completed a couple of personal pieces recently which are now up on my Society6 shop :)

Seize the day_Julia Broughton Smell the Roses_Julia Broughton

Winter Couple

Here’s my latest illustration, done to practice drawing people :)

Winter Couple

Concept Art for Project: Isomer

Recently I’ve been busy beavering away at my latest project: the indie computer game “Isomer” from Ionising Software.

Before things start to really get going with the design of the game, I thought I’d show a slideshow of my initial concept art for the alien characters. The sketches are incredibly rough, but I always find it interesting to see a designer’s process so I decided to share…

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Hipster Owlie

This little idea has been rattling around in my noggin for a couple of weeks so I finally decided to put pen to…computer. I hadn’t drawn my little mascot in a while and I decided to make her ultra-hip as it’s super cool to draw owls these days, but she was around before that :P (seriously, she’s just a doodle I did aaaaages ago that grew to eventually be my logo. Honest!)

Do you like her glasses?

Oh Gosh!

Here’s a sneaky peek of my contribution to the OhGosh charity project ( ) Exciting times! I can’t wait to see the whole colouring book.


Recently I decided to do a little fanart to test my abilities. I’ve no idea how many illustrations I’ll end up doing; I’m pretty sure it’ll just be an ongoing thing that I’ll do whenever the urge takes me.

I’ve started with Dr Zoidberg from Futurama as he is awesome. And since it has been received quite well over on Tumblr, I thought I’d post it here too!

This is just a screen shot; see the original post here. Feedback welcome!

Monster Monster!

A little while ago I was picked to get involved in a collaborative project run by Thomas Bates (his blog is here: ) with about 25 illustrators…

(Taken from Thomas’ blog:)

The idea behind the project was to get a bunch of illustrators (approx. 25) and collab on one illustration. So I created Monster Mountain and have been asking interested illustrators to add a monster that can interact with the background (also they can add to the background if they wish). So there are around 25 illustrators taking part and half have added their monster already. The idea is that once the collaboration is finished, it will be printed as a limited edition A2 poster and sold for charity, but this will depend on several variables. So fingers crossed everything goes well!

At the moment my Monster is done but waiting to be added to the poster, so I thought I’d post a little teaser (I won’t show my monster in full until the poster is finished and revealed to the world!)

Momento Mori

The other day I was overcome with the urge to draw a Mexican sugar skull…so that’s what I did!

I took inspiration from lots of different skulls I found, but mostly I made up the decorations. I also wanted to include the text ‘Momento Mori’ (‘Remember you will die’ if I recall correctly) and what better way to include text than on a banner? Pink is definitely the colour to deal with death :) (excuse the lowered quality of the image…the text is actually very clear). Overall I’m really pleased!

In other news I plan to be taking part in a few collaborative efforts in the very near future. The first is Find Chaffy, where illustrators create a panel showing his latest adventure;  the second is I would be… where illustrators/designers illustrate what they would be if they weren’t a designer. You’ll have to wait until I’ve done my illustration before I tell you! And last but not least Monstrous Collab; which will result in an A2 poster filled with characters (finger’s crossed I’d get picked!).

I’m soooooo excited to get going with these, so it probably won’t be long until they’re done. Sleep is for pansies…

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard….

…it doesn’t really. I don’t even know what that means! But the long and short of it is that I came over all summery and drew a milkshake…

It’s all a bit pale but I love this ice creamy palette I found on COLOURlovers so it had to be done!

Really want a milkshake now…..

Jaunty ol’ Octopus

I knocked this together this afternoon after sketching him whilst bored in a coffee shop. I’m not sure if I’m completely happy with it. I’d like the octopus to be a bright, contrasting colour but nothing I tried worked. I am a fan of off-white though (and of jaunty hat + moustache combos!) Heh.