New stuff

I’ve completed a couple of personal pieces recently which are now up on my Society6 shop :)

Seize the day_Julia Broughton Smell the Roses_Julia Broughton

Boring Socks

BORING SOCKS_Julia Broughton

I’ve made a new print for my shop based on one of my life’s most important mantras ;) Click the image to go to my shop!

*NEW* Website!

Hooray! At last I’ve managed to give my website a complete overhaul to include lettering alongside my illustration work. I’m so much happier with the look and feel of my site now :)



Click the image to go and take a gander!

Fresh n Fruity!

Recently I’ve been so caught up with hand lettering (my Instagram is proof of this) that I feel I’ve neglected my illustration and I wanted to put a stop to it… by mixing them both together. I couldn’t stop lettering all together! Give me a break! So anyway, to add a splash of colour to this dismal winter we’ve all been having in the northern hemisphere things got a little bit fruity!

OrangesLemonsPrint_JuliaBroughtonLemonLimePrint_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPrint_JuliaBroughton LemonLimePatternPrint_JuliaBroughton


All are available as prints from my online store (just click the images). They’re also available as a variety of lovely gifts…

LemonLimePatternClock_JuliaBroughton LemonLimePatternTote_JuliaBroughton LemonLimeTote_JuliaBroughton OrangesLemonsClock_JuliaBroughton OrangesLemonsPillow_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPhoneCase_JuliaBroughton OrangesPatternPillow_JuliaBroughton


Just click the images! :)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! To celebrate I’ve put a new set of chalky hand-lettered products in my shop to give you some motivation for 2014 :)

(click the image to see my shop)


Day of the Dead

Recently I’ve had a major hand lettering explosion – I’m slightly addicted (as you can see from my instagram – blog post coming soon) so I decided to mix it in with some illustration and create a little something for Dia de Muertos as I *love* the imagery associated with it :)


I thought the skulls would make an awesome pattern so I decided to throw that in too…

Muertos Pattern_blog_JuliaBroughton

Both are available as prints, etc from my online shop (click the images). I am SUPER pleased with how these turned out. Creating stuff like this makes me so excited and happy!

You may also notice I’ve added a signature to these pieces. After lots and LOTS of experiments I’ve finally settled on a nice looking signature to put on my prints and illustrations (a standard copyright line is far too dry). Here’s a close-up; it is, of course, hand lettered :)


Fun times! I love what I do for a living sometimes (most times) :D

Epic post of hand lettering

After having my eyes opened to the wonders of hand lettering in design, I have been unable to escape it.  It’s everywhere now; from adverts on the tube to the back of a PG Tips packet:


I really like the curly-wurly arrow, it’s a lovely touch, but look at the way the T, A and S sit together in “taste”….



Nice!  And the fact that it’s all done in pencil-even better!  The F and R of “free” may be a bit close together though….

It reminds me of some rough lettering I did for myself a few months back.  I traced most of it in Illustrator to make it clearer (and to hide the face that I am currently without a scanner):






Mmmm….grainy!  I do like this style of lettering; I have whole sketch books full of the stuff-it’s strangely hypnotic to write the same word over and over again, changing something small everytime.  The word “Lovely” appears A LOT in my books.  It’s a damn good word!  This style always ends up just a big version of my normal handwriting though (you have to do this stuff big…and with a huge pen).  I think I’m better at block lettering:


Type....get it? Ha!

I did this a while ago and cannot stop fiddling with it!  I’m always rearranging  the words and resizing them *sigh*  I think it’s fun though. Scribbles are good.  As is mixing lower and upper case :) it’s not for everyone but I’m throwing it out there.

I’m going to have to keep a decent record of all the handlettering (good and bad) I find.  And with that I’m off to find the cable that connects my phone to my computer after I lost it it ran away…