Isomer (alpha) is ready!!

Some VERY exciting news: Isomer, the indie game by Ionising Software for which I’ve been doing the artwork, is OUT NOW!!

It’s taken a year of hard work by myself and the developer, but the alphafunding version is available to buy (for a modest price) here:

It being an “alpha” version means this is only the beginning of Isomer; we still have lots of plans and fun things to add, but this way people get to play the game earlier and for a cheaper price (which includes free updates forever, I might add). But more importantly, players get to make suggestions and give feedback which could actually make a difference, all whilst supporting the small team behind Isomer whilst we continue to make it.

However, don’t be fooled! Even at this early stage Isomer is a very rich game with lots of cool stuff. You can read more about what’s included on this Isomer forum post

This was a long and sometimes challenging project for me as I previously had no experience of producing artwork for a computer game, but one that I am immensely proud of. Fingers crossed it’s a success! Who knows where it could go? :)


Project: Isomer

So I’ve been very quiet recently and the reason for that is…


You may or may not remember this post from last October announcing the fact that I’m working with Ionising Software to create the artwork/graphics for their first commercially released computer game: Isomer. Well, 9 months later and we are *this* close to releasing the alpha version of the game!

To recap:

Isomer is an isometric realtime strategy with sandbox gameplay inspired by classic XCOM and dwarf fortress style games. It’s open ended, designed to be played in a variety of ways with world exploration, survival, crafting and strategy all blended together in a retro format.

You control alien forces hell-bent on conquering enemy worlds for their resources. How long can you survive? What will you build and discover?

Concept Art for Project: Isomer

Recently I’ve been busy beavering away at my latest project: the indie computer game “Isomer” from Ionising Software.

Before things start to really get going with the design of the game, I thought I’d show a slideshow of my initial concept art for the alien characters. The sketches are incredibly rough, but I always find it interesting to see a designer’s process so I decided to share…

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The next big thing…

I have some very exciting news to share today about my next project; I will be working with Ionising Software (whose branding I am also responsible for) to create the artwork/graphics for their first commercially released computer game: Isomer!

“Isomer is a realtime strategy game with world exploration and survival elements. A lot of visual inspiration was taken from the classic XCOM turn based strategy games of old. Isomer has huge procedurally generated worlds thick with life (some friendly but mostly not), catacombs and seas that are unique each time and change constantly when played.”

Read more about it all here:

It’s a different style of working for me as it’s all pixel art and gritty textures (as you can see from the title) but I love a challenge and I’m very excited :)

At the moment the game is being created using stand-in graphics; but I will post updates when everything’s underway.