
A floral doodle to start the day

New illustration hero

I recently stumbled across an illustrator on the interwebs (I have a talent for stumbling blindly and coming up with gold apparently) and I just had to write about one of his projects.

Jim Tierney’s Jules Verne Series…


Just look at them!! They’re beautiful; the muted colour palette is especially lovely!

I find his work so inspiring; I’m actually planning to illustrate the jacket of one of my favourite books just for kicks.  I won’t reveal which book until I’m into the project…though I might post my initial sketches and see if anyone can guess!

I love it when someone/thing pushes me to be better. I’d hate to become complacent in my work…especially now I’m working on more illustration at work and in my spare time.

Jim…I salute you!

Wonky Cake

Cakes and biscuits are among my favourite things to illustrate. Though it does make me hungry…….

Wonky Cake

Mmmm cake! This one has been baked in illustrator and then iced in Photoshop :-)

I am especially pleased with the drippy chocolate icing!

Lovely Lovely

Let me take a moment to blow the dust off…

There!  Long time no see WordPress; a new job and life in general get in the way sometimes! Anyhooo, on with the show.

I had a random urge to play around with the word “lovely” this afternoon. Here is the result:

I have a thing for white outlines with shadow :-)  The pattern was free from the depths of the interweb but I knocked the argyle up in illustrator. Altogether it took less than an hour.

Stay tuned folks! I’ve got lots of personal projects in the works…..too many really considering I’m fully employed.  Ahwell, who needs sleep, eh?