
Amazingly, I haven’t written a blog post about this yet. Last year (or possibly before that), I saw on the Zeixs website that they were accepting submissions for their Illustration book based on character design. Back then I was still new to the whole illustration thing but I decided to give it a go with only a few characters under my belt. I heard nothing back so I forgot all about it. Then a couple of months back a friend, who also submitted work, was googling her name to make sure her website came up with it, when she came across a strange german link. Upon clicking it she discovered that we both had been published in the book!!

Zeixs book


I didn’t quite believe it but I rushed on to Amazon and bought a copy. Lo and behold, there I was. Unfortunately some time had passed so the web link I provided was no longer in use, but hey who cares… I’m in a book! :)

Here’s a really bad photo of my pages…



Here’s the link if you want to buy it for yourself:

Free Shipping!

There is currently free shipping from my store!

Offer expires on Dec 9th so hurry! You can buy things like this…

Fairy print  pusscat printOwl tote

(I have the Owl tote bag – it’s awesome)

Burst Magazine Take 2

I’m happy to say I’ve been featured in Burst magazine again! This time in a “Mixed” issue with all different types of creatives. Owlie has even made an appearance on the Welcome page :)

Definitely download and have a read; it’s free and full of loads of awesome designers, illustrators, etc!

Hipster Owlie

This little idea has been rattling around in my noggin for a couple of weeks so I finally decided to put pen to…computer. I hadn’t drawn my little mascot in a while and I decided to make her ultra-hip as it’s super cool to draw owls these days, but she was around before that :P (seriously, she’s just a doodle I did aaaaages ago that grew to eventually be my logo. Honest!)

Do you like her glasses?

The Owl and the Pussycat

Since I love to draw owls and cats, this illustration seemed pretty inevitable! I’ve been meaning to do it for ages and finally found the time. Overall it took about 6 hours.

I’m particularly pleased with the water! Feel free to let me know what you think.

Snow is falling…

Ahh december; a month I dread. Christmas and all that jazz wouldn’t be so bad except for the constant pressure TO BUY PRESENTS NOW!! I hate the crowding and the panic. And now to top it all off there’s about a foot of snow to contend with as well! Huzzah for December. So, to sum up my feelings for this wonderful time of year I did a quick illustration which can also be used as an iphone wallpaper. Enjoy!

Something non-owly will be coming soon. Promise!

I would be…

I’ve been working on it for a while and at last I can reveal my entry for the ‘I would be’ project run by Tahgasa Bertram…

..I’m not saying I’d be a very good Astrophysicist, but it would be a cool job! I’m a space nerd.

(Been having a few issues with colour settings on my moniter recently so I really hope the colours don’t look weird. They’re supposed to be quite muted…)


Recently I decided to represent myself in my work using an owl. I can’t really explain the decision, only that I think owls rock and I like to draw them. Plus they like books and stuff (if children’s books are to be believed!). I’ve had a little Dr.Watson-esque owl floating around without a purpose for a while, so I decided to put it to work in a name plate type thingy for my Twitter wallpaper….

I’m really pleased with it! Really like the palette too.