The Creature ABC

“A twitter based Illustration collaboration joining 26 artists to create the ABC of Endangered Animals.”

I have been lucky enough to be selected to take part in CreatureMag’s ABC of endangered animals! I’ll be receiving my animal to illustrate soon and I’m really excited! I wonder what it will be…….

For a list of all the participating artists & more info, click here>

It’s all for a really good cause so get involved if you can.


Recently I decided to represent myself in my work using an owl. I can’t really explain the decision, only that I think owls rock and I like to draw them. Plus they like books and stuff (if children’s books are to be believed!). I’ve had a little Dr.Watson-esque owl floating around without a purpose for a while, so I decided to put it to work in a name plate type thingy for my Twitter wallpaper….

I’m really pleased with it! Really like the palette too.